Richmond Regional Resources

If you are in immediate danger, please contact 911.

I am homeless or within 3 days of losing shelter.

If you need shelter in the Richmond area, contact the Homeless Connection Line: (804) 972-0813

The Homeless Connection Line facilitates access to resources and shelter alternatives for those who are three days or less away from losing their housing. This line is also available for those already experiencing homelessness.

I need help with rent, utilities, or staying in my current housing.

If you need housing support in the Richmond area, contact the Housing Resource Line: (804) 422-5061

The Housing Resource Line is a new resource to help you gain access to essential housing services. An online form is linked here. The Housing Resource Line can help with: financial assistance, emergency assistance, foreclosure prevention, among other resources.

I am experiencing or fleeing from domestic or sexual violence.

The EmpowerNet Hotline offers free, confidential, live, trauma specialists available 24/7. Call for direction to crisis intervention, emergency shelter, counseling, case management, hospital-based services, and support.

24/7 EmpowerNet Hotline: 804-612-6126

Greater Richmond Regional Street Sheet.

The Greater Richmond Regional Street Sheet is a valuable resource for those seeking resources in our service area. Localities include Richmond City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Henrico, Hanover, New Kent, Goochland, Powhatan, & Charles City. This Street Sheet is updated on a regular basis by Homeward Staff. If you know of a new community resource that may be relevant to the Street Sheet, contact

I need help finding affordable housing.

Virginia Housing Search

Free resource by Virginia Housing to help people find a home that fits their needs and budget. Property providers can list apartments or homes for rent any time, which means that our list is always current. Visit or call 1-877-428-8844 (toll free) Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

I need help finding employment.

Resources - Virginia Career Works

The Capital Region has workforce centers to offer employment guidance, training and placement services to job seekers and employers throughout the Metro Richmond region and beyond into the Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Powhatan.

I’m trying to help someone sleeping outdoors.

Are you concerned about someone sleeping outdoors? Outreach and support services are available for people living on the streets and in other public places? Please help us to assist people who are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation (such as cars, parks, woods, sidewalks, abandoned buildings) by letting us know where they are located. Our region's outreach team will attempt to make contact with the individual.

I need a different resource.

Other Resources: 211 and Help1RVA

To find programs and resources available in the community, contact Help1RVA at for local resources or contact Virginia 2-1-1. Visit 211Virginia to find service information online, or call 211 toll-free from anywhere in the state.

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