Richmond Region Receives Over $9.3 Million in Federal Funds to Address Homelessness

January 27, 2025

Amount Includes Over $1.5 Million in New Project Funds

Richmond, VA – January 27, 2025 – Homeward, the planning and coordinating agency for the Greater Richmond Continuum of Care (GRCoC), announced that the region was awarded $9.39 million in federal funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). That money includes an increase of $1.57 million in new project funds to support our most vulnerable neighbors across the region experiencing homelessness.


Based on recent performance data available here, Homeward estimates that this funding will support permanent housing assistance for more than 1,500 regional residents.


“This new funding from HUD will allow St. Joseph’s Villa to provide housing support and services to an estimated 27 households a year, effectively ending their homelessness,” said Katie Chlan, Senior Director of Flagler Housing and Homeless Services at St. Joseph’s Villa. While more funding is required to end homelessness in the Greater Richmond community, it will end the crisis of homelessness for the households we are able to serve.” 


Homeward coordinates and submits the annual funding application to HUD on behalf of the GRCoC, our region’s coordinated and collaborative network of homeless service providers, including local nonprofits and public sector partners. HUD issued federal funding awards for communities across the country on January 17, 2025. The federal dollars included in this announcement represent money allocated in last year’s federal budget by Congress. Funds will begin to be distributed to specific projects beginning in July and likely continue for about 12 months based on contracts between the federal government and recipient agencies within the GRCoC.


This announcement comes within days of the Winter 2025 Point in Time (PIT) count that took place on January 22nd and 23rd. The PIT count is a federally mandated count of individuals and families experiencing homelessness in a region.


“This substantial increase in federal funding is a testament to the GRCoC’s impact and the key role of regional collaboration,” said Kelly King Horne, Homeward’s Executive Director. “The Richmond region is a national leader in delivering proven solutions to end homelessness. While these resources are significant, we also recognize that HUD funding alone is insufficient to meet the growing needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness across the region.”


Public Private Partnership


Our region’s response to homelessness is truly a public private partnership between government at the federal, state, and local level and mission-driven nonprofit organizations. Local government partners play a key role in our region’s ability to secure additional federal funds.


The GRCoC’s Ranking Committee and Homeward’s team of subject matter experts take the lead on developing and reviewing the HUD application before it’s submitted. The Ranking committee includes representatives from the City of Richmond, Chesterfield, and Henrico as well as private funders and people with lived experience of homelessness.

The committee’s membership reflects the cross-section of public and private sector partners that come together through the GRCoC to deliver homeless services in our region. That deep collaboration and broad representation are key factors that make the GRCoC’s funding work so robust and effective. That coordination helps our region stand out in the highly competitive funding application process.


“Public private partnerships are essential to solving homelessness,” said Allison Bogdanovic, Executive Director of SupportWorks Housing. “SupportWorks Housing will be able to serve 27 more people experiencing homelessness thanks to this new funding from the HUD Continuum of Care program.”


Recipients and Programs Funded


The vast majority of federal funds awarded by HUD will be directed to maintaining existing homeless services in the Richmond region. The funding will be used to support programs at recipient GRCoC agencies. This money cannot be legally used to add shelter capacity or additional beds to our regional crisis response system. The resources will help fund programs that move individuals and families to a pathway to a permanent home.  


Agencies and programs that will receive federal funds from HUD include: Commonwealth Catholic Charities, Daily Planet Health Services, Hanover Safe Place, HomeAgain, Homeward, Housing Families First, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority, St. Joseph’s Villa, SupportWorks Housing, and YWCA Richmond.


New programs supported by the increase in HUD funding will allow our region to add two new rapid re-housing programs including one serving households fleeing domestic violence and add up to 27 new units of scattered site permanent supportive housing.


“With the support of new HUD funding, Hanover Safe Place can provide essential housing support and services to over 35 families, offering them a pathway out of homelessness,” said Sheree Hedrick, Executive Director of Hanover Safe Place. “This funding will be life-changing for the homeless survivors of domestic violence we assist. Every step forward brings hope and stability, proving that together, we can make a difference and build a future where everyone has a safe place to call home.”


This announcement is important because it highlights that the Richmond region continues to be highly competitive for critical federal funds. Included in the expanded awards are resources to support new programs targeting youth and young adults, including young parents.


Accountability and Transparency


These federal grants are earmarked to fund specific programs at recipient GRCoC agencies. This money supports proven solutions to homelessness in our region and come with strict accountability and compliance requirements.


In order to receive federal funds, agencies must raise matching funds, demonstrate proven solutions, and must show how they coordinate services with our regional network and partner agencies.


All federal funds require extensive financial auditing, quarterly data reporting to HUD, and local monitoring for compliance and outcome. This stringent process ensures that limited resources are maximized to help the greatest number of people possible and support solutions with a proven track record of success.


Recipient agencies receive these funds as reimbursements, so they must satisfy federal audits and reporting requirements in order to access the funding.   


“The programs supported by these funds are informed by what we hear from our neighbors experiencing homelessness,” added Horne. “GRCoC agencies consistently gather input directly from those facing homelessness to ensure that our solutions meet their needs and aren’t based on assumptions or what we think might be helpful in solving homelessness.”


Additional information about the GRCoC and community-based efforts to reduce homelessness, including an application to join the GRCoC, is available at

March 4, 2025
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January 29, 2025
As the designated planning agency for the Greater Richmond Continuum of Care, our region’s coordinated network of homeless service providers, Homeward works closely with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We have been following recent developments related to federal funding for homeless programs. We are collaborating with local, state, and national partners to assess the implications for the people served by the Greater Richmond Continuum of Care and to ensure that there are no further disruptions to support proven solutions to homelessness in our region. Federal funding from HUD has been critical to our local network’s ability to help thousands of regional residents get on the pathway to a permanent home. This person-centered and compassionate work has tangible impacts in our communities. We will continue to monitor this situation closely, update our partners, and support this important work. To learn more about the vital role of HUD funding and its impact in our region, read this recent blog post .
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